The radiology department concerns with diagnosis of diseases using medical imaging techniques, x-rays and employing advanced computers and other sophisticated equipments.


What originated as a two roomed single X-ray unit department has grown into a fully equipped department meeting up to the ranks of implicit quality and standards anywhere.

Along with our two advanced technology ultrasound units, our recent additions of a Color Doppler ultrasound and CT scan unit have further enhanced our diagnostic acumen.

Our investigative procedures include all routine and special investigations such as IVU, MCU, Barium studies and Hsg studies using the safest and most patient-friendly techniques.

The balance between a personalized service to our patients and a scientific protocol, in coordination with various other specialties has been the key to Quality of service in pinpointing our diagnostic focus.

Sonography & Mammography:

Screening for breast cancer on mammography unit has been crucial to early detection of breast lesions. The new 3D & 4D sonography has broadened the horizons in Obstetrical and Gynecological imaging.






